What is inside the blackhole? Science0phobia

How do black hole forms?

what is inside a black hole?science0phobia

To understand how black holes are formed first we need to understand that how star produce heat and energy. Any star in space produces energy through a process called nuclear fission. Every star has hydrogen atoms fuse together and produces helium atoms. Same like this helium atoms also fuse together to produce carbon and Now, due to this fission the energy release is called radiation.

▪️ Every star have two types of energy 

1.Gravitational force(which attracts objects)
2.Radiation force(opposite of gravity)
Due to this two forces, any star is stable in space.
So, till when in stars core the fission occurs in this both forces stability is maintain.

While nuclear fission process the star produces elements and when this process produces iron(Fe).
A problem arises that iron doesn't fuse together. If there is no fission in core then how radiation energy will form.
Due to this the amount of iron elements increases and it starts gathering in stars core

In absence of radiation energy, the balance between the gravitational force and radiation energy will become unstable and gravitational energy will remain. Due to this stars core collapse and the stars whole mass will compress in stars centre after this supernova explosion occurs.

After this explosion only two things can happen either it will produce neutron star or if star is very big it will form black hole in which the whole mass of star will be filled

This is how a black hole is formed.

Before going inside the black hole first we will  find out what is there inside a black hole. The small point of a star where the star gets collapse and convert into a black hole the point is called singularity there is another thing in a black hole which is also called event-horizon this is the place where the outer space ends and black hole start this is the border where the light can escape Hu go out but after crossing the event-horizon there is no chance for light to escape.

So what will happen if you fall inside a black hole?

Imagine if you are falling inside a black hole 
After crossing the event horizon and you move towards the black hole your body will work like a rubber. Let's assume that while falling inside a black hole your legs are toward black hole then your lower body will have more gravitational force compare to your upper body because of a large quantity of gravitational force is working in your lower body your molecules will fall apart because more you get closer to singularity more the gravitational force of black hole increases.

For example, if you move 1 cm more towards the singularity lakhs of gravitational force increases so when you move towards the singularity molecules of your body fall apart
So, because of this you will die 
The time depends on the size of the black hole if the black hole is small then at the moment you touch event-horizon you will die.
If the black hole is too large then you can travel inside the black hole for few minutes
So, it is clear that as far as you stay from the singularity you can survive inside the black hole. In large black hole the distance of event-horizon from singularity is too far.

So, after death what will happen to our  molecules?

After crossing the singularity the mechanism of black hole will change completely. Till now black hole was pulling everything towards it but after crossing singularity it will start to push molecules of your body out from it at last the molecules of body will come out from white hole. 
Yes if there are black hole in our universe there are also white hole present in universe.
These white hole will throw you in another parallel universe.

White hole are also same as black hole but its mechanism is completely opposite from black hole it doesn't attract things towards it instead it push things out of it. So, it is a door to enter in the parallel universe  thats means which we see black holes in our universe it looks as white hole in parallel universe that means this black hole and white hole are connected to each other this complete system is also called as worm hole but this concept works on hypothesis level.

Because imagine that who will practically try this and who wants to try this they will be died before only and also the images of black hole which we see in youtube and google it is only a imagination and it is not necessary that the black hole which we see in google it looks same as it is to see the real image or video of black hole scientists have to develop a giant telescope whose diameter should be be as the earths diameter which is not possible so thats why scientists are finding another method to capture image of black hole but a question arises that if scientists has not seen a black hole them how can they say that black hole exists.

In fact we all know that light travels in a straight line but in space there is a point where the light gets curve. Scientists say that when light passes from black hole and enters event-horizon it becomes curve which is against physics laws this is the proof of existence of black hole not only this but scientists have found 50 objects in our universe which acts like black hole.

At last there is only one question that how this BLACK HOLES will end?

For his we have to understand stephen Hawking's , hawkins edition according to stephen hawking the space around event-horizon fluctuates a lot which give birth to virtual partical.

Now what is virtual partical?

For example,
If we add +2 and -2 we get result 0 same in space when virtual partical is made and get together and every thing will end because of this balance is made in space . So, this opposite virtual partical is made in event-horizon but in black hole because of the gravitational force the negative virtual partical goes inside the black hole and positive virtual partical remains outside the black hole and they never meet each other this positive virtual partical looks in the form of radiation which is also called as hawkins radiation. So, because there is only negative virtual partical present in black hole its energy slowly becomes less, in the beginning this process work very slowly but if the black hole is small it work fast. If the mass of the black hole is equal to a asteroid it releases heat equal to our room temperature if its mass is equal to a mountain it releases heat equal to a sun at last when it start dying completely, it releases energy equal to crores of nuclear bomb and dies.

The largest black hole of the universe discovered till date takes a GOOGOL year time to complete this process

What is a GOOGOL year?

A GOOGOL year is the large number 10 power 100. In decimal notation it is written as the digit 1 followed by ONE HUNDRED ZEROS. Now after seeing this you can imagine that how long is this process. So, when the black hole will die there will be no one to see this because before crores of years of this process all the humans will die because the universe will be not habitable for humans.

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