Most strangest planets in the universe!!! Science0phobia

Our universe is much bigger in size than we think. In which the planets and stars are more than sand grains present on earth. So, today we will talk about the strangest planets in universe.



Whose real name is 55 Cancri E which is  made up of diamond and the part of the planet which is made up of diamond is equal to 3 times more than Earth's weight. This planet was discovered in 2004 scientists says that 1/3rd part of this planet can be made of solid diamond as we know that diamond is made up of carbon and this planet is mostly made up of carbon scientists say that the pressure kept on this carbon present in this planet is converted into diamond. This planet is present near the star 55 Cancri A because of this the temperature of this planet is almost 1700°C. Because this planet is filled  of diamond, the worth of this planet is equal to 27 Nonillion dollars which is 385 Quadrillion times more than total GDP(Gross domestic product) of earth. 

                  What is Nonillion?

One Nonillion is a number 10 power 30. In decimal notations digit 1 followed by 30 zeros.

            What is a Quadrillion?

One Quadrillion is a number 10 power 15. In decimal notations digit 1 followed by 15 zeros. With is you can imagine that how much worthy is this planet.

2. Kepler 452 - B

kepler 452-B!!!science0phobia

According to NASA in 2015 a planet was discovered which looks exactly same as earth which is named as Kepler 452 - B as our earth has its own sun, Kepler Also have it's own sun named G2. The surprising thing is that the distance between our sun and earth is equal to the distance between Keplar 452 - B and it's sun is same and also the atmosphere of earth and Kepler 452 - B is almost same that means there are chances of having water, air and sand as present on earth and also it have higher possibilities of human life because of these many similarities this planet is also called as Earth 2.0 Earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around sun whereas, Kepler 452 - B takes 385 days to complete one revolution around G2 that means there is only 20 days difference in one revolution of earth and Kepler 452 - B. Our Sun is 4.6 billion years old whereas, G2 is 6 billion years old Kepler 452 - B is 2 times bigger than Earth if there is a high possibility of alien life on Kepler 452 - B then why we don't have any information about alien life this is because it is 1400 light years far from us so, you can imagine that the space ship made from today's technology how much time will it take to reach there. If in future space agencies like NASA, SPACEX And ISRO improve space travel then we may reach there.

3. HD - 189773 - B

HD - 189773 - B3!!!science0phobia

if you have not enjoyed reading this two planets then read this planet where there rains but not water there it rains of glass actually the atmosphere of this planet is made up of silica which is present in sand and this is not a normal rain because here wind flows with 2700 km/hr. For an idea I will tell you that this is 7 times than sound and temperature of this planet is 930°C because of which it melts the silica particle and converts it into glass.

4. GLIESE 436 - B

GLIESE 436 - B!!!science0phobia

This planet was discovered along with Diamond planet in 2004. The surprising thing of this planet is that it is a burning ice planet after listening this everyone will say that what rubbish are you talking but this is truth this is only the speciality of this planet this planet have a temperature of 450°C that means a planet covered with ice whose temperature is 4 times than boiling point of water. 
 But how is this possible?

Actually the gravity of this planet is so much that if ice melts because of the temperature the vapour of it instead of going up it goes inside the planet and these gas again convert into ice and these process repeats due to its Attraction force like other planets it cannot make vapour and bring rain and the size of it is equal to the planet Neptune present in our solar system and it takes only 2 days 15 hours of time to complete one revolution around it's sun. So, till now the planets about which we read were very far from our solar system but last planet is present in our solar system only.



Which is moon of Saturn as Earth a has its own natural satellite called Moon same like that Saturn also has it's own Moon called Titan but what is special in this planet actually the atmosphere of this planet is so much dense that till 2005 we don't even know what was present in the inner core but in 2005 scientists were successful in knowing what is present in the inner core of Titan. Where there is atmosphere, lakes and rivers like Earth and also it rains on Titan like it rains on Earth but the temperature of this planet is -179°C because of which if you touch water it feels like a mountain and here a gas named methane is not present in gaseous state whereas it is present in liquid state so, till now which I am was talking about the river, lakes and rain it is of methane gas till now scientists have only studied 20% of the Titan's region but only in this 20% region there is 100 times more than gas present on entire planet Earth and the most weirdest thing On Titan is that if you want to fly you can fly here because the atmosphere is so much dense here and gravity is so much less so, if you kep artificial wings on your hand and try to fly then you can fly which is impossible on our Earth.

So which planet you think was amazing let me know in comments.


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